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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Point of Sale >
Station Settings
Station Base Configuration records all POS configurations. Base Configurations is effective when settings at POS station resets.
For example, the configured location at "Station X" was "Retail".  If a user accidentally resets the configurations. System will update the location saved under "Station Base Configuration" in LinkWEB. This will allow the users to use POS without disruptions.
  1.  Machine names are automatically added to "Station Base Configuration".
Steps to configure Station Base:
  1. Click on the "Pencil Sign" to edit a record.
  2. "Flag" and "Description" are system controlled. Users will not be able to edit details.
  3. Enter the base configuration in the "Flag Value" field.
  4. "Update All Station" will update the configuration for all POS stations with the base configuration set in 3 above.
  5. Save.
  6. Expand into the details of the "Station Base Configuration" to edit the configuration for each POS machine or station.
Figure 1: Station Base Configuration